Praying on the Elderly

January 26, 2011 Comments off

You have to wonder what has gone wrong with society when the younger generation is stealing from the elderly?

Now I know this is nothing new you see it all the time on the news and in the papers but when it happens close to home it gets you a little mad. Don’t worry nothing really bad has happened like him being beaten up or robbed of all his savings. My Pops (grandfather) is the sweetest harmless person in the world. He is loosing his marbles a bit but aren’t we all. He is not as agile as he use to be but that’s just old age.

He has a close friend called Tommy and he comes round and does his gardens for him a great gentleman but he is also getting on bit so lately he has been sending his grandson round to do the gardens for my Pops. Now this has been ok for a while so they thought!

Pops has been collecting tools and gadgets for years and has been storing then neatly in his shed for when he needs them. Ok admittedly he is getting on a bit and can’t hold the tools much anymore but that’s not the point. He has bought and built up this magnificent collection. Recently he has noticed bits of it have been missing!

Now the lock or shed has not been broken into and the only other person who has had access is Tommy’s grandson. Don’t get me wrong he does get paid for his work by Pops just like Tommy did but to take tools gradually so they would not be missed – This is wrong! It’s something you just don’t do. You wouldn’t want someone doing it your grandparents so why do it to someone elses?

This week I have been given the remainder of the collection of tools to stop anymore going missing as Pops has admitted that he no longer has a use for them. I think he is very upset by the fact that he has been betrayed by someone he trusted.


Bloody Banks and their stupid rules!

January 24, 2011 Comments off

Hi Everyone,

This post is about how long it has taken to get my ex-partners name of my current account with the Halifax.

Now you would think this was easy. Well it was when we wanted it added just went in and asked and they added it, done!.

When I asked for the second person to be removed from my credit card they did it straight away. Now no matter how high in the chain of operation you go they won’t remove the second person from an account with out their signature on a stupid form.

Problem you have to be able to get the person to sign the form errrr easier said than done when your ex is now living in Cyprus!

I explained the situation to so many people and one response I received was well can’t you fly over and see them – and what, knock on every door in every town until I find them? Arrrrrrgh! It’s has been the biggest and most frustrating task in my life for five years.

Well all going well my ex is now back in the UK I have several copies of the form and we are meeting to sign it off. Then on Friday hopefully the five-year task will come to an end. Here’s hoping they haven’t changed the rules.

I may add a final paragraph to this at the weekend.

Wish me luck,


Hi Everyone,

We went to the bank and handed in the form showed my Id they typed something on a computer then said it can take upto four weeks to remove the second person.

Four weeks, all the shit it took to get it signed and it takes them another four weeks to press delete.

Well will keep you informed yet again.


Categories: Banks Tags: , , ,

My Family part 2

January 15, 2011 Comments off

Well were to start I suppose  Merry Christmas.



My Mum surprised me by asking me to invite on her behalf, Gramps and Syl to christmas day dinner. It knocked Pops socks off and Syl thought I was making it up until she spoke to mum for confirmation.

imageClaire and I enjoyed and loved the company of Mum, Dad, Amander, Peter, Pops & Syl it was a lovely day. It made a change being able to spend time with the family.

Mum misses Pops and Pops misses mum (It’s complicated) but hey they are sorting it out and I’m just glad I don’t have to be careful what I talk about now around Mum regarding pops.

A good was had by all maybe the start of something good.

Sorry this post is late I did start it in January. Hope you all had a nice time.

Categories: Christmas, Family, Home Tags: , ,

Doctors Waiting Rooms – getting better or making you worse?

January 15, 2011 Comments off

Hi everyone have you ever wondered is it healthy to stick so many people in one room with so many illnesses?

Sitting here in the waiting room which could resemble a bio lab petri dish for the breeding new and unknown viruses. Air-bourn or touch contamination you go in ill but what do you catch when you are in their? Who sat in the seat before you and what did they carry?  They say germs and viruses stay can live on surfaces for hours. You don’t know what people have been sneezing and coughing all over.

People from all over the area coughing and sneezing on the same areas spreading different viruses. In these warm or even roasting hot rooms are these viruses multiplying?

Next time you visit a doctors be careful you don’t catch anything!

Where have all the sick people gone?

The news have been reporting record sick now this waiting room is normally packed full of sick people it’s empty!

T.V. Licences

January 6, 2011 Comments off

Hi Everyone,

Why do we have the T.V. Licence?

So that the BBC can continue to make top quality T.V. & Radio programmes.

That’s fine they make programmes that catch the eye and imagination of everyone, you don’t have to like everything they do but there is something there for each of us.

The executives, board of directors and the actors/presenters are paid way too much but hey that’s another argument.

Why if you are paying for Sky,Virgin or BTvision which incorporate the BBC channels with your package, why do you need to pay for the T.V. licence?

Don’t Sky, Virgin & BTvision pay the BBC for the privilege of airing their channels?

I belive the T.V. Licence is an out of date protocol and it is about time that the BBC reverted to advertising, after all it doesn’t have a problem advertising its own programmes.


Categories: Goverment, T.V. Tags: , , , , ,

NHS Prescription Charges in England

January 6, 2011 Comments off

Hi Everyone,

I’m wondering why we have to pay for our prescriptions medications in England; they are free in Scotland, Ireland & Wales. I’m only wondering because I’m in full-time employment and I bring home less than £1000 per month but I have a Asthma condition which I have had since I was about four which has progressively gotten worse, which now requires six different forms of medication and this ads up to quite a lot of money every time I get it.

Ok I can buy a pre-payment certificate which is what we normally do but can’t afford it at the moment but also can’t afford to get my current prescription so what do I do? Asthma is a life threatening illness one good attack and I’ll be in hospital or even dead if I don’t have the medication on me to aid in my recovery until an Ambulance arrives.

Now as I said I’m in full-time employment and I have been paying my National Insurance contributions since I was sixteen when I started work. Does this not go towards my medical prescriptions, if so why are we paying twice?


Categories: Home, Medical Tags: , , ,

Student Society Today

January 6, 2011 Comments off

In the University student environment over the past couple of years it has been a “Do it for Me!” attitude from the students and it is getting worse, as now it also has to its got to be “extremely quick and easy”. 

Wooooow hang on a minute you are students, you are here to study this is not a quick and easy system. You are here for three, four or five years. During this time you need to take the time to learn how to do things for your self that is what studying is all about. Your time here is not meant to be spent out on the piss or in clubs it’s meant to be used to study and learn.

Learn how to use the self issue and return, Learn how to find books, journals & thesis. The staff at Uni excluding the lectures are here to aid you but not do it for you. The Lectures are actual here to teach you, you might not think that as you can never get hold of them but they are. Learning is meant to be hard, fun but hard.

One of the biggest contributions of the behaviour is the fact that some twit at the top decided to treat students as customers turning the education system into a customer service based industry. This was a big call as now you have to adhere to two industries standards first education second customer services hummm they don’t go together very well. Which means the university cobble together bits from each and put the staff through hell to make them work.


Stupit things 001

January 3, 2011 Comments off

Hi Everyone,

Picked Claire up from work today and as usual she was telling about the stupid people she has encountered. It thought it would be good to share them with you all as we both meet these people everyday and I thought you would like a laugh as well!

First a woman complained cause her 8-year-old son choked on piece of bacon in a breakfast bacon roll she says cause the bacon had too much oil on it.

HA yer right anyone ever had bacon from McDonalds it’s always too dry. Maybe if she taught her son to chew his food instead of shoveling it in his gob and swallowing may be that would help.

Second a woman complained as her son threw up at B&Q after eating a McDonalds meal. Right not all the sugar treats he had earlier in the day then her dragging him round the shops right after he ate. We all know food poisoning can take between 12 n 24 hours to show symptoms not thirty mins.

What do these people think they are going to get if they complain the only thing they can offer you is a free meal thick or what.

That is it for now but it’s back to work tomorrow after the Christmas break so im sure I’ll have more for you soon.


Categories: Stupid, Work Tags: , , , ,

Christmas 2010

December 23, 2010 Comments off

Yes it’s the most wonderful time of the year once again the weather outside is frightful, and just maybe since I was a little boy I’m dreaming of a white christmas. It is the first proper snow in Liverpool for many years now, normally if we want snow it has to be import in from Scotland, Wales or Shropshire.

It has once again brought the city to a stand still, trains and buses cancelled roads closed, pavements un-walkable yet LJMU and McDonald’s carry on as normal. It’s been a terrible weekend first of all the works christmas party got cancelled due to the weather. Second having to get up at 4am Sat & Sun de-ice the car and brave the roads to collect Claire from work.

I belive myself to be quite a confidant driver especially on Ice and Snow due to I learnt to drive during the summer and winter of 96 and there was lots of ice that year, which helped my learn how to control a skidding car on lce. Neather the less I don’t go any faster than 20mph in bad weather. Other people don’t think and therefore they don’t adjust their driving style.

At the moment we have 4ich layer of snow and under that is an inch of ice and boy do you know it’s there if you go too fast. As a white van driver found out the other morning. 04:30am he can speeding past me must have only been doing 40 in a 30 zone but the roads had not been treated at all and I was only doing 15 myself. on my way to get claire. He hit the ice and span sideways about 5 feet in front of me. It was a box van as well and he was so lucky he didn’t topple it as it was wabbling all over. Once he regained control he was off again speeding. You think that he would have learnt his lesson he just got away with it once next time he might not be so lucky I don’t know how he didn’t hit the parked cars on at the side of the road.

Well we where all planned for a chilled out relaxing Christmas well thanks to the NEW management team at McDonald’s this has gone bye-bye since he threw out the holiday rota and re-asked people what the wanted gee thanks all our plans a fucked now. You see McDonald’s plan their staff Christmas and New Year brakes in July this new management turned up in November and has been shit.

It’s lucky I didn’t finalize this post yesterday, It is customary for all the hard-working staff to go early on the last day and the officers take over the normal duties and running of the LRC’s for the last two hours it’s a kind of unofficial thank you for all your hard work, I does not normally bother me as in all the years I’ve worked her I’ve only gone early twice it’s just that i’ve made plans. Well there is a bit of a problem this year most of the officers have taken this week off. All the others departments are leaving early and yet the LRC management has found yet another way to screw the staff.

It’s December 23rd Claire and I where up at 5am, at Asda by 5:30am and home with £150.00 worth of Christmas food shopping and no this did not include any alcohol. Then in work for 7:30am which was just as well as every one was dropping like fly’s so by the time the building opened at 8:45am I had already done half a days work around this place on my own. I’ve arranged to have my two-hour Christmas lunch between one and three to go Christmas shopping with Claire last few prezzis for people. We also had plans for the afternoon and Claire is not going to be happy if she has to wait around for a few more hours.

If I add to this post later you’ll know I had to stay to 5pm.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Where has all the Christmas spirit gone?

December 22, 2010 Comments off

 It get to you sometimes and you just have to have a rant.

Yes it’s that time of year again! Where kids are thinking of candy canes and wondering if reindeer can really fly?

 Yer right they are bloody throwing snowballs with rock in at your car windows while you are driving down the road.

You have the management who are trying to kill the Christmas cheer by first of all announcing that there won’t be a Christmas do, so we organised our own which had to be cancelled due to the bad weather and has been reorganised for January (something to look forward to!).  There was a big debate with management ans H&S weather or not we would be having a christmas tree. Bloody Hell here is the new one now we can’t even play christmas tunes, we only play them the last two days of work every year but no.

We have got students complaining why are we closed from the 23rd Dec to the 4th of Jan? “err it’s our christmas vacation” “Yer but I wanna come in and use the Library” GET A LIFE!!!!!!!

Your colleagues just start taking the piss this time of year oh I can’t get in the roads, the trains, the buses. Yet we still have to do all the work that would normally be done if there was a full complement of staff  normal day would include fifteen to twenty embers of staff our last day tomorrow “four”. People ringing in sick, travel issues, sick children.

The management say we have to stay open for the students who have made the effort. No thanks for the staff who have made the effort who are still her on the last few days. All day we have only had fifteen students in. I just hope they take things like this into account when they announce the next round of redundancies in January I may hate working her sometime but that is down to some of the lazy staff more than the students.

You try getting into the mood for Christmas and there is always someone who will knock you down.

But as the song goes “I get knock down, BUT I get up again your never gonna keep me down!”

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year